Concrete Polishing is the process of taking a diamond grinding machine equipped with diamond grinding segments, which initially grind the concrete, to a desired level. Once the desired level has been achieved, the concrete is then polished to the customers desired grit level. Whether 400 grit, 800 grit, 1500 grit, or 3000 grit, the concrete gives off a sheen that increases with each grit level.
Depending upon the concrete condition, the initial grind involving the metal bond diamonds is a three-to-four step process, which eliminates minor pitting, previous coatings, and other staining.
The next stage of the concrete polishing process involves diamonds in a resin bond which progressively give the concrete its' desired sheen, and closes the pores of the concrete tighter and tighter with each step.
During the polishing process, a lithium silicate densifier is applied to the floor increasing the concrete hardness and providing a better overall polish. Once the desired polish is achieved, we will apply a gloss sealer, as well as a water, oil, salt and stain blocker.
Concrete can be polished wet or dry, but we choose to polish dry for a number of reasons. Dry polishing is more environmentally friendly, faster, and more convenient for us and our customers. Our dust containment systems eliminate virtually all the bi-products of grinding and polishing.